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Write it, your way. 

Write it, your way. 

Write it, your way. 

Write it, your way. 

Write it, your way. 

Write it, your way. 

What success stories tend to hide

Our testimony

As a concept, the starting point of Manifest Editions lies in sharing the lived experience of inclusive and diverse voices, one that is most often overlooked. During our journey, we have often been delighted to share our social achievements, our personal growth. However, we were unable to communicate about the difficulties and the setbacks that accompanied each of our advances.

These difficulties, we found them in our entourage, from our generation, and of our diaspora. We wanted to encourage each and everyone to “manifest” a part of their journey which success stories tend to hide. In June 2020, Manifest Editions was born to be a channel for disseminating the experience of our community.

“We want to give echoes to the voices and ideas that will have to be those of the new millennium. Our platform intends to focus on the writing of memories, the experience reported by multidisciplinary art forms, the revelation of identity conflicts that the African diaspora faces, while respecting the identity of each person, to move away from generalities.”

Our Mission
Revealing conflicts

“We believe that the internet makes it possible to open new identity “boxes” or at least to deconstruct those that already exist in order to broaden the possibilities of being in the world as an Afro-descendant.”

Our vision
Sharing experiences






(un)heard stories

(un)heard stories

(un)heard stories

(un)heard stories

(un)heard stories

For this, we believe that the sharing of experience is an essential factor. Why? Because by sharing our experiences, we can recognize ourselves as part of a whole where it is possible to become yourself by touching your own intimacy. Precisely because this intimacy is less individual than it seems. Manifest Editions Ltd intends to speak out about fear or shame and bring to light what we don’t dare to talk about.

Manifest Editions Ltd.

Have a question ?

Where do i drop my manuscript ?

We will soon create an open call to receive your stories, mind subscribing to our newsletter to get all the pieces of information. We encourage you to subscribe to our newsletters if you don’t want to miss the beat.

Can I collaborate ?

Underrepresented voices are filled with inspiration, life lessons, and reminders of our fierce independence. Manifest Editions squad thrives of readers and writers who lend their voices and stir discussion so: “of COoOurse!” We are always looking for (un)heard stories.

Writers – or not – send us a full draft keeping in mind, please :

  • We are about sharing the deep and finding the light in all circumstances
  • A length between 400-600 words for editorial pitches and 600-900 words for personal essays
  • Send your submissions to  with your proposed title in the subject
  • Featured submission are not paid, for now

Talents in front or behind the camera, We love to highlight t so don’t hesitate to share with us some of your work!

Do you accept donations ?

Manifest Editions is way bigger than ourselves, having the financial contribution to the ones who believe in us is extremely uplifting. *Clearing throats* This been said, we will welcome your investments for our upcoming projects here!

We are grateful for having you adding value to us. Transparency is one of our core value, we will defo keep you updated on your investment journey over here and/or our other platforms.