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La charité bien ordonnée commence par soi-même. The English translation didn’t sound flavoured enough for me. ⠀

Have you ever surprise yourself bringing up a point in your mother tongue and finishing it with another language? Well, it’s link with your emotional intelligence (EI).

The switch is your brain selecting the most specific information in your reasoning. Read it again and let it sink.

Not gonna lie, marvellous hybrid sentences come out of it as well as new languages such as Linglish (Lingala and French), Franglais (French and English). Basically, your parent’s mother tongue mixed with the language of the country who colonized your ancestors + the language of country you’re living in. Read it again and let it sink. ⠀

If this doesn’t apply to you, I hope it’s because your ancestors haven’t been colonized. Deeply hope it’s not because your parents believed the people who told them: “speaking several languages will have the child confuse” meanwhile those same people made it mandatory in school education programs.

Regardless of your diaspora, always remember you are rich in History. Your story is rich. Now, read it again, let it sink & go collect your bag  to be rich rich…Please, make sure you are not sitting on it. ⠀

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